$10,000 - $100,000 

Growth For Your Business

Within 12 Months Guaranteed

Ed Champion, R.I.B.C.

Business Strategy Coach

Guaranteed  Impact-Profit Acceleration 

"If our cutting-edge Business Acceleration System is unable to devise a viable plan, in 90 minutes, to help you generate $10,000 - $100,000 or more in revenue from your qualified small business this year, I will give you $500 for your time!" 

Schedule Your Discovery Call to Learn The RightStrategies in The Right Order For Your Business

Boost Your Profits With Our 24/7 AI-Receptionist

Our AI Receptionist will help your small business:

  • Increase efficiency and productivity

  • Never miss a lead or sale again

  • Free up your time to focus on growing your business

  • Working For less than $1 per hour 24/7

Learn How to Double Your Net Profit

Without Spending extra On Advertising!

Book your Free AI-Consultation

Discover the Top 10 Benefits of Our 24/7 AI-Receptionist

Our AI-Receptionist provides these key benefits for your small business:

  • Increase your prices by delivering more value to your clients.

  • Reduce your costs by automating tasks and increasing efficiency.

  • Increase your revenue by never loosing a potential client again.

  • Turn web traffic into leads that you can continue to nurture and close later.

  • Train your AI-Receptionist to give the very best info on your business and services.

  • Calendar bookings are made online 24/7.

  • Engage more website visitors to give them what they are looking for.

  • Be available 24/7 for people visiting your website.

  • Immediate missed call text backs made by web AI-Recptionist if no message was left.

  • Easily increase sales and upgrades on your website-requested services for immediate sales and bookings.

The Future of Customer Interaction

Amplify the Voice of your Business

and Drive Measurable Results

  • Turn visitor conversations into new relationships and loyalty.

  • Your AI Receptionist will support new and potential customers with questions during their visit on your website no matter the day, time, or staff availability.

  • It's never been easier to streamline your conversations and customer support process.

  • Don't miss out on the opportunity to capture, nurture, and convert visitors with our AI-Receptionist.

Your AI-Receptionist For LESS THAN $1 per HOUR is Just the First Step

To Easily Doubling Your Net Revenue

The next step is to Unlock the Secret to

Doubling Your Profits With Our Proven AI Growth System

Imagine doubling your net profit without increasing your advertising budget. Our AI Growth System is designed to help you achieve just that. We focus on optimizing your business from the inside out, enabling you to:

  • Increase lead generation and conversion rates.

  • Enhance customer loyalty and lifetime value.

  • Gain valuable data-driven insights for strategic decision-making.

  • Increased business efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Free up your time to focus on what you do best – growing your business.

Book your Free AI-Consultation to Discover how to Achieve

Your Exponential Business Growth


The Business Development Bank of Canada Reports that the Right Advisory Board Can:

Boost Revenue by 24% and
Skyrocket Productivity by 18% 


Boost Revenue by 24% and Skyrocket Productivity by 18%


A System that can Accelerate Your Business Growth, Stability and DOUBLE Your NET EARNINGS within MONTHS - not years! 

We're Your Strategic Partners in Growth: Our mission is to streamline your business expansion, boosting your bottom line while freeing up your time. We focus on practical solutions for substantial profit growth and enhanced personal freedom for the small business owners in the world.

After discovering your readiness score, you can access the waitlist for a Net-New AI Advisory Board to transform your possibilities into your reality.

Unlock Your Business Potential: Are You Achieving the Financial Success and Personal Freedom You Strive For?

Ed Champion, RI(BC)

Business Strategy Advisor

Unlock 12 Potent Strategies for Growth

As an expert, you're constantly working IN your business, perhaps even feeling overwhelmed and stressed more often than you'd like to admit. We understand. The challenges and changes facing small business owners have made growth more difficult than ever.

We're the experts who help you work ON your business. By combining generative AI with a proven profit acceleration system and business coaching, we make it easier for small business owners to harness the most effective 80/20 strategies and accelerate revenue and profit.
With a crystal-clear plan and business advising/coaching support, you'll know exactly what to focus on each day, enabling you to achieve the results, profits, and time you need to do what matters most in your life.

"Numbers Are The Language Of Business” - Warren Buffet
"Numbers to Right Actions is the Magic Of Business” - Ed Champion

PLAY VIDEO to Discover the Secrets We Use to Find You Unrecognized and Unrealized LOST Business Revenue and Profit.

New business Profit acceleration system Accelerates Growth...

The proprietary software can conduct a thorough analysis in 40 business sectors on any company to determine unrealized revenue. When we apply the 80/20 rule and profit compounding method to thousands of firms from all over the world, we consistently confirm 12 business sectors that account for approximately 80% of total revenue. Focusing on these critical sectors combined with Executive Coaching ignites fast business results. 

Accelerated Business Growth Made Easier for Almost Any Business With AI

Is Generative AI Your Key to Success or a Missed Opportunity? 

In today's fast-paced business world, not using Generative AI could mean falling behind. Make sure your business stays ahead.

IMPORTANT: The way we do business is changing fast. To keep up and stay ahead, business owners need the right partner. It's a choice between moving forward or being left behind. We're here to work with you, not your competitor.

OFFER: Learn the Top 12 Simple and Effective Strategies to Boost Your Business's Profits in 90 Days, even when times are tough.

EVIDENCE: A free report, backed by the Business Development Bank of Canada, shows that advice from experts can increase a business's income by 24% and its efficiency by 18%. We aim to raise your profits by over 34%.

MOTIVATION: Think about what business success means – more resources for your family, helping the environment, and making a positive difference in the world.

KEY QUESTION:If you're not interested in this opportunity, ruminate about why you're in business and what's stopping you from reaching your goals?

Net-New AI advisory boards generate more money to help solve almost any challenge:

Would it help you out if I showed you, in less than 5 minutes, how you could double your current profit... and do it without spending ant money? Would you like me to show you?

it'S really That simple - Guaranteed

  • ​Attend the FREE one-to-one confidential zoom Business Breakthrough Session to receive your unique custom Business Acceleration Plan while also learning and assessing how and where your business may generate $10k-$99k or more in additional annual revenue without spending any extra money on advertising.

  • ​After we've completed your Business Acceleration Plan you will have an easy choice to make;  You can choose to "do it yourself" to implement the business acceleration strategies strategies we give you . . . 

  • ​OR You can work within one of our three core programs. Micro, Group, or Mastermind. We do not use any sales pressure. I'll simply ask if you'd want some help putting your new Roadmaps' business acceleration strategies into action, or if you'd prefer to handle it on your own.

Transforming Financial Services with AI-Powered Solutions: Case Study 

Nicole S.


  • Nicole, a dedicated bookkeeper and accountant, seeks to broaden her market outreach and strengthen her presence in the local community. She envisions growing her business to a point where she can hire additional help and eventually sell it to fund her retirement. However, Nicole is concerned that recent advancements in AI technology might threaten her job and the future of her profession, making it crucial for her to adapt and innovate to stay ahead of the competition.


  • Nicole partners with an AI business coach to evolve her revenue model beyond traditional hourly billing. As she contemplates a future coaching role, she collaborates with the AI-Profit Advisory Team and offers expanded services to her clients through a revenue-sharing arrangement.

Projected Results:

  • Within 12 months, Nicole experiences a 30% increase in annual revenue and a 21% rise in net profit. She enjoys more free time, money, and energy for personal and family pursuits. Nicole gains stability and peace of mind, knowing that AI integration secures her future in the industry. 

  • ​Her return on investment reaches 480%, and she becomes a recognized leader and innovator in the financial services sector, revolutionizing traditional billing practices.

Indigenous Entrepreneurs Thrive with AI Support: Case Study 

Peter G.


  • Peter, an Indigenous business owner in the agriculture industry, recognizes the potential benefits of federal government procurement opportunities for his company and community. However, he is aware that becoming procurement-ready requires time, financial investment, effort, and involves the uncertainty of securing a contract.


  • To minimize risk and optimize his resources, Peter seeks assistance from the AI-Profit Advisory team. This innovative solution works closely with the Indigenous procurement team, providing him and his company with essential training and support to navigate the procurement process.

Projected Results:

  • With the guidance of an AI-profit advisor, Peter sees a 25% increase in annual revenue within 12 months, even before securing his first procurement contract. 

  • ​His net profit rises by at least 17%, and he becomes procurement and investment-ready for expansion without risk. 

  • ​Peter's return on investment surpasses 300%, and he establishes himself as a leader and innovator in his community, contributing to the development of a community housing and food initiative.

Are you Interested in Participating in the AI-Digital Agripreneur Pilot Project?

Transforming Indigenous Agriculture with AI:

Welcome to the future of Indigenous agriculture in BC. Our AI-Digital Agripreneur Pilot Project is a groundbreaking initiative designed to empower Indigenous Agripreneurs with the tools, knowledge, and support to thrive in the digital age.

About the Project:

Our mission is to fortify the net profit potential and capacity of Indigenous agriculture businesses through innovative AI platforms and proven business strategies. We're here to guide you through a systematic, Indigenous-led business training and coaching service, culminating in the creation of the "AI-Digital Agripreneur Guide" - a comprehensive resource of case studies and best practices.

What We Offer:

Tailored Business Analysis: We start by understanding your business to provide a Profit Acceleration Strategy.

Custom AI-CRM Solutions: Streamline your customer journey and boost sales efficiency.

Hands-On Workshops: Experience in-person training in Kamloops, focusing on AI integration and traditional agriculture practices.

Ongoing Support: Benefit from our monthly online masterminds, flash coaching, and one-on-one coaching sessions.

Project Goals:

Capacity Building: Implementing Indigenous-led business training and coaching.

Profit Growth: Targeting a net profit growth of 30% or more in 2024.

Digital Literacy Enhancement: Improving skills in AI prompting and digital marketing.

Resource Development: Creating a guide to support and inspire future AI-Digital Agripreneurs.

Measure of Success:

Our success is quantified by the tangible growth of our participants' businesses and mindsets. We track progress through key performance indicators, mindset surveys, and the expansion of our knowledge-sharing database.

Apply Now - before Jan 15, 2024:

Take the leap and become an AI-Digital Agripreneur. Fill out our application form and join a community dedicated to innovation and prosperity.

Embrace AI, enhance tradition, and elevate your agribusiness. Invest in your future today, reap the harvest of tomorrow.

Harnessing AI for Construction Opportunities: Case Study

Bob M.


  • Builder and general contractor Bob seeks to capitalize on the opportunities presented by upcoming zoning law changes in British Columbia and their effects on housing developments. He understands the significant role AI can play in shaping his business decisions and the future of his industry.


  • To thrive during this transformative period, Bob engages an AI-Profit Advisor to assist him in navigating his business growth. Working alongside the AI-Profit Advisory Team, they create a comprehensive business blueprint for secure and accelerated expansion. The advisor also provides Bob access to executive coaches to cultivate a peak performance mindset and ensure he achieves his goals.

Projected Results:

  • Bob experiences a 28% increase in annual revenue and a 21% minimum rise in net profit within the first year. He adopts innovative solutions to tackle labor and material challenges and becomes a trailblazer in implementing AI-powered strategies in his industry. With more free time, money, and energy, Bob can focus on personal and family priorities.

  • ​His ROI surpasses 700%, and he establishes himself as a leader and innovator, introducing cutting-edge technology like 3D printing to the construction field.  

Stunning Proof of Value - in the following example

1. Data was entered into The FREE online simulator:

In our example, the business owner has annual sales of $60,000 at a gross profit margin of 65% with a net profit margin at 25%. (Your increased will be different based on your numbers)

2. Online Simulator Generates Acceleration Roadmap:

The simulator applied a conservative 3% adjustment in 12 key business sectors to achieve the target. If we further analyze 28 more sectors, a significantly larger profit is realized. 

3. Follow The Steps Detailed In The Acceleration  Roadmap:

Now the business owner has the clearest roadmap available for accelerated business growth in their hands. They can implement the roadmap themselves, or have some help along the way. 


Ed Champion, R.I.B.C.

Business Strategy Coach

Guaranteed  Impact-Profit Acceleration 

Access to 1-on-1 Masterclasses ENDS:


That Will

Change Your Life...

  • Up to $50,000 or More of additional annual business revenue for small business owners within 6 months. Yes it is possible and this masterclass will show you exactly how.

  • Up to $5,000 or More of additional annual business revenue for micro-business owners. 

Masterclass Reveals New Impact-Profit Acceleration System™

Better PLAN

CLARITY: A Plan showing the exact path for your business to generate up to $50k or More of additional annual revenue without spending an extra dime on advertising. 


SYSTEM:  Capacity development and training available 24/7 so you know exactly what needs to be done, and when it needs to be done to achieve up to $50k or more additional annual revenue. 

better RESULTS

ACTION: Results follow massive actions inspired by Executive Coaching to assist in capacity development and implementing your plan for you to BE, DO and HAVE what matters most in life... 

The proprietary software can conduct a thorough analysis in 40 business sectors on any company to determine unrealized revenue. When we apply the 80/20 rule to thousands of firms from all over the world, we consistently confirm 5 business sectors that account for approximately 80% of total sales. Focusing on these critical 5 sectors combined with Executive Coaching enables fast and dramatic results. 

Business Growth Made Easier for an Abundance of What Matters Most in Life...

© 2022+ _ Abundance Business Advisors - A division of smart villages canada corp.